Meet Betsy
Welcome to my virtual studio. As both a writer and designer, I’m driven by a curiosity about the world. In my studio, I take that curiosity and use it to create new worlds. Explore to find out more about me, my books, and my thoughts on writing as well as the thoughts of friends who stop by the studio. If you’ve got something you’d like to share reach out to me through the contact form. I’d love to hear from you. Scroll down to read what’s been happening in the studio.
I am migrating to Substack over the next year for long-form writing and news updates so check me out over there. For now I’ll leave this page up so you can read through the archive.

Featured Author on 12 x 12
July is almost over and I just read through all the comments on my article. My heart is overflowing.

My Dog Is In The News
A round-up of all the places My Dog Is NOT A Scientist has been featured its debut month.

Great Review From A License to Quill
I got an early review from LORI ALDEN HOLUTA at A License to Quill. Check it out here

It’s Getting Real
Yehoo was kind enough to share some photos and videos of my book getting set up at the printer. So exciting to see!! I get tingly realizing it’s almost real. Can’t wait to hold it in my hands!

Come See Me in MetroWest
I’ll be joining some great authors this weekend to read from Heroic Care. If you live in the MetroWest Boston area stop by and check it out.

Guest Post on PB Sunrays
Check out this link to my guest post “Interview Your Way to a Great Story” up now on the PB Sunrays blog.

Heroic Care for the Summer
It’s 80 degrees out. My final grades for the semester are turned in so I decided to kick my feet up and do some cleaning on my computer and came across this gem of a review for Heroic Care. It’s a great summer read. Each piece is just the right size to enjoy before you fall asleep on the beach.

My Dog Is NOT A Scientist - Coming Spring 2023!!!
I am so excited to announce that my debut picture book My Dog Is NOT A Scientist is coming out in the Spring of 2023 from Yeehoo Press.

Editing The Kitchen Sink
You’ve thrown everything into the first draft, now how do you take that mess and turn it into an amazing novel? This article takes you through the steps of the early editing process.

Unqualified Success
Success cannot be measured in numbers. I use only one criterium when judging my books— How much fun they were to write. I have achieved unqualified success.

Weeding Your Creative Garden
By mid-summer of this year, whenever I went into the creative garden in my mind the sun had become so blocked out by dark clouds of deadlines, commitments, worries, and lists that nothing would grow. The only solution was to . . .

Summer Hiatus
Summer is a time for rest and in that spirit, I'll be taking time off to get outside, be with loved ones and play creatively. We’ll be back online with more content in early fall. In the meantime, there will still be things cooking . . .

Getting Started On Your Book Trailer
If you’re an indie author a book trailer is an attention-getting way to promote your book. An effective trailer can hook potential readers like nothing else. I knew I needed one for Heroic Care, but creating one seemed overwhelming. When I dug in I learned it really wasn’t. I thought I’d share my insight to help you guys get started on your own book trailers.
Writer’s Toolbox: Table of Contents Plug-In
If you think a Table of Contents app sounds like the finishing touch for your writing project you’re very much mistaken. This interactive document organizer is essential to how I build my drafts and manage my editing process.