Meet Betsy
Welcome to my virtual studio. As both a writer and designer, I’m driven by a curiosity about the world. In my studio, I take that curiosity and use it to create new worlds. Explore to find out more about me, my books, and my thoughts on writing as well as the thoughts of friends who stop by the studio. If you’ve got something you’d like to share reach out to me through the contact form. I’d love to hear from you. Scroll down to read what’s been happening in the studio.
I am migrating to Substack over the next year for long-form writing and news updates so check me out over there. For now I’ll leave this page up so you can read through the archive.

Unqualified Success
Success cannot be measured in numbers. I use only one criterium when judging my books— How much fun they were to write. I have achieved unqualified success.

TD Inman on Martian Trump
After the first chaotic months of the Trump administration. I needed to channel my anxiety and anger into something constructive. I woke up in the middle of the night with an idea I just couldn’t shake: Donald Trump stranded on Mars, all alone, with only his self-described genius intellect to guide him seemed irresistibly ripe for parody.