Meet Betsy
Welcome to my virtual studio. As both a writer and designer, I’m driven by a curiosity about the world. In my studio, I take that curiosity and use it to create new worlds. I write for kids and adults as well as a good deal of freelance non-fiction. Explore to find out more about me, my books, and my thoughts on writing as well as the thoughts of friends who stop by the studio. If you’ve got something you’d like to share reach out to me through the contact form. I’d love to hear from you. Scroll down to read what’s been happening in the studio.
Editing The Kitchen Sink
You’ve thrown everything into the first draft, now how do you take that mess and turn it into an amazing novel? This article takes you through the steps of the early editing process.
Jumping Into The Right Critique Group
Building your writing community is like throwing a stone into a pond. You, your work, and the act of putting yourself out there is that stone. The outgoing ripples are the connections you make with the world.
Often, finding a reliable critique group is more of a journey than a quick, one-stop transaction. Critique groups are not one-size-fits-all. To find the right group for you, you’ll need to look inward and ask yourself what you want to get out of the collaborative experience. You might need to try on a few groups for size before finding the one that fits you best.
Multiplication in Revision
Elena K. Arnold and Brandy Colbert drew from their experience writing numerous novels, many award-winners, to give an outstanding webinar on revising for plot. One suggestion, that stood out is to look where multiplying the voices in a scene might add richness to your work. Typically writers . . .